Cleaned up Google Maps

All maps are now snapshots of one master map. You can now navigate the website by zooming, dragging, and clicking on the maps.

Then I went nuts, and added a ton of markers for things that look promising on Google Earth. Now it's a bigger mess than it ever was.

I also figured out how to draw the county borders on the maps.

The Google Maps API leaves much to be desired. In fact, the whole thing reeks of typical Google arrogance and stupidity. After messing around with it a while, finding out what doesn't work and what you can do, I eventually cobbled together a decent interface. Google needs to fire a lot of PhDs and hire some people with brains.

Laurence Harbor
( 40.45105, -74.27258 )

  1. Lake Lefferts - Matawan ( 40.41563, -74.23362 )
  2. Raritan Bay - Cliffwood (E) ( 40.45089, -74.22033 )
  3. Raritan Bay - Cliffwood (W) ( 40.45216, -74.22269 )
  4. Raritan Bay - Cliffwood (Whale Creek) ( 40.45090, -74.22274 )
  5. Raritan Bay - Keyport (W) ( 40.43921, -74.20160 )
  6. Raritan Bay - Laurence Harbor (E) ( 40.45877, -74.24622 )
  7. Raritan Bay - Laurence Harbor (W) ( 40.46223, -74.25482 )
  8. Raritan Bay - South Amboy (N) ( 40.48343, -74.27059 )
  9. Raritan Bay - South Amboy (S) ( 40.47946, -74.26831 )
  10. Raritan Bay - South Amboy Ramp ( 40.48401, -74.27416 )
  11. Raritan River - Perth Amboy ( 40.50057, -74.27712 )
  12. Wagner's Marina - Matawan Creek ( 40.43540, -74.21416 )

Much of this part or Raritan Bay is fenced-off because of lead pollution from the industrial slag used to build jetties and seawalls in the 1970s. Supposedly, most of it has been cleaned up, but the whole area remains 'off-limits'. Since the toxins leach into the water and are carried off by the currents, you really have to wonder about the entire bay. A quick search online will reveal more on this subject than you ever wanted to know.

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