Seat Strap Buckles

I recently installed these aluminum seat strap buckles. They are a direct replacement for the factory plastic buckles.

The swiveling part of the plastic buckles broke years ago, and I just tied the straps onto the remaining part, which is much beefier and held up fine, although it is now visibly bent. On new boats I automatically remove the swivel and never give it a chance to break.

But this loses the easy adjustability of the original buckle, and I think it is just a matter of time before the remaining plastic part breaks as well. The aluminum buckles restore that adjustability, and are much stronger and I don't worry about them at all. And they look great.

I found these on eBay while looking for replacement buckles to carry as spares. They are not that much more expensive than the plastic ones. I tied the old buckles inside the 'trunk' just in case.


  1. Colonial Lake - Lawrence [G] [B] (40.25527, -74.72369)
  2. Crosswick's Creek - Groveville [G] [B] (40.16705, -74.67717)
  3. D-R Canal - Lawrence (N) [Details] [G] [B] (40.27450, -74.70332)
  4. D-R Canal - Lawrence (S) [Details] [G] [B] (40.26746, -74.71071)
  5. D-R Canal - Lawrenceville [Details] [G] [B] (40.30501, -74.68490)
  6. D-R Canal - North Trenton [Details] [G] [B] (40.24901, -74.72865)
  7. D-R Canal - Plainsboro (E) [Details] [G] [B] (40.34321, -74.62964)
  8. D-R Canal - Plainsboro (W) [Details] [G] [B] (40.34190, -74.63758)
  9. D-R Canal - Princeton (N) [Details] [G] [B] (40.33879, -74.64715)
  10. D-R Canal - Princeton (S) [Details] [G] [B] (40.33177, -74.65282)
  11. D-R Canal - Province Line Rd [Details] [G] [B] (40.30273, -74.68819)
  12. D-R Canal - Trenton (N) [Details] [G] [B] (40.23884, -74.74186)
  13. D-R Canal - Trenton (S) [Details] [G] [B] (40.18384, -74.74666)
  14. D-R Canal - West Windsor [Details] [G] [B] (40.30844, -74.67979)
  15. D-R Feeder Canal - Scudders Falls [Details] [G] [B] (40.26529, -74.84790)
  16. D-R Feeder Canal - Washington X'ing [Details] [G] [B] (40.29842, -74.86852)
  17. D-R Feeder Canal - West Trenton [Details] [G] [B] (40.24497, -74.81917)
  18. Delaware Canal - Morrisville PA [G] [B] (40.21792, -74.77976)
  19. Delaware Canal - Newtown PA [G] [B] (40.26858, -74.86017)
  20. Delaware Canal - Washington's X'ing PA [G] [B] (40.29014, -74.87709)
  21. Delaware Canal - Yardley PA [G] [B] (40.23742, -74.82909)
  22. Delaware River - Trenton [G] [B] (40.18662, -74.75351)
  23. Dick's Sporting Goods - West Windsor [G] [B] (40.30691, -74.67877)
  24. Gropp Lake - White Horse [G] [B] (40.18761, -74.68888)
  25. Grover's Mill Pond - Princeton Junction [G] [B] (40.31282, -74.60565)
  26. Lake Carnegie - Plainsboro [Details] [G] [B] (40.34362, -74.62973)
  27. Lake Carnegie - Princeton [Details] [G] [B] (40.36681, -74.62597)
  28. Lake Luxembourg - Langhorne PA [G] [B] (40.20011, -74.91904)
  29. Mercer Lake - Hamilton [Details] [G] [B] (40.26561, -74.64191)
  30. Mercer Lake - West Windsor [Details] [G] [B] (40.26960, -74.64114)
  31. Millstone River - Cranbury (W) [Details] [G] [B] (40.29590, -74.56250)
  32. Millstone River - Plainsboro (N) [Details] [G] [B] (40.34262, -74.62981)
  33. Millstone River - Plainsboro (S) [Details] [G] [B] (40.33874, -74.62880)
  34. Millstone River - West Windsor [Details] [G] [B] (40.32139, -74.60831)
  35. Neshaminy Creek - Newtown PA [G] [B] (40.23271, -74.97409)
  36. Peddie Lake - Hightstown [G] [B] (40.26870, -74.52219)
  37. Rocky Brook - Hightstown [G] [B] (40.27108, -74.52353)
  38. Stony Brook - Pennington [Details] [G] [B] (40.33257, -74.75809)
  39. Stony Brook - Princeton [Details] [G] [B] (40.33219, -74.65340)
  40. Stony Brook - Rosedale [Details] [G] [B] (40.33168, -74.77828)


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