Blue Holes

A New Jersey "Blue Hole" is a sand quarry that has filled with water from the aquifer below. These are very dangerous places. This is because, although the visible part may look like a Caribbean beach, the underwater sides of the quarry are steep and unstable, and merely walking near the edge can cause a collapse into the hole. The water is deep and cold, and the victim is quickly overcome by shock and hypothermia and drowns.

I have marked a few of the bigger and more notorious Blue Holes that might look like good places to go on a satellite image. They are not. Most Blue Holes are either state-owned or private property, and strictly illegal to trespass.

Hudson River
( 40.91183, -74.09432 )

  1. Hudson River - Fort Lee ( 40.85176, -73.95950 )
  2. Hudson River - Nyack NY (N) ( 41.11999, -73.91239 )
  3. Hudson River - Nyack NY (S) ( 41.08745, -73.91558 )
  4. Hudson River - Piermont NY ( 41.04248, -73.91583 )
  5. Liberty State Park - Jersey City ( 40.69768, -74.06520 )

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