Lake Manalapan - Jamesburg

Lake Manalapan - Jamesburg
( 40.34349, -74.43143 )

  1. Brainerd Lake - Cranbury ( 40.31113, -74.51178 )
  2. Dallenbach Pond ( 40.41254, -74.44296 )
  3. Davidson's Mill Pond - East Brunswick ( 40.41117, -74.49789 )
  4. Farrington Lake - East Brunswick (C) ( 40.42465, -74.47680 )
  5. Farrington Lake - East Brunswick (N) ( 40.43900, -74.46646 )
  6. Farrington Lake - East Brunswick (S) ( 40.42201, -74.48242 )
  7. Helmetta Pond ( 40.37817, -74.42657 )
  8. Lake Manalapan - Jamesburg ( 40.34525, -74.43662 )
  9. Lake Weamaconk - Englishtown ( 40.29140, -74.35704 )
  10. Millstone River - Cranbury (E) ( 40.29359, -74.52675 )
  11. Rocky Brook - Hightstown ( 40.27108, -74.52353 )
  12. South River - Old Bridge ( 40.41228, -74.36362 )

This is about the smallest body of water I would consider - more of a pond than a lake. But it is a nice place. Access could not be easier, the parking lot goes right down to the water. If you live nearby, it is a good place for a quick 'dip'. To go a little farther, you can hop over the railroad tracks and get into the far section and a little ways up the byzantine creek that fills the lake.

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Water Lilies are found in all still and slow-flowing freshwaters. One thing that I have noticed about them is that on any lake or pond, you will always find white ones, and usually also pink or yellow ones, but never both. The flowers begin in summer and last well into fall.

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