Middlesex County
- Ambrose Brook - Bound Brook ( 40.56764, -74.51489 )
- Ambrose Brook - Possumtown ( 40.55555, -74.48630 )
- Arthur Kill - Buckingham Ave ( 40.51462, -74.25871 )
- Arthur Kill - Carteret Waterfront ( 40.57186, -74.21301 )
- Arthur Kill - Ferry St ( 40.54576, -74.25424 )
- Brainerd Lake - Cranbury ( 40.31113, -74.51178 )
- D-R Canal - Amwell Rd ( 40.50340, -74.58268 )
- D-R Canal - Blackwells Mills ( 40.47550, -74.57220 )
- D-R Canal - Griggstown (N) ( 40.43834, -74.61397 )
- D-R Canal - Griggstown (S) ( 40.42912, -74.61816 )
- D-R Canal - Kingston (N) ( 40.37489, -74.61854 )
- D-R Canal - Kingston (S) ( 40.37326, -74.61861 )
- D-R Canal - Manville ( 40.52861, -74.58178 )
- D-R Canal - New Brunswick ( 40.50806, -74.46376 )
- D-R Canal - Somerset (N) ( 40.54077, -74.51404 )
- D-R Canal - Somerset (S) ( 40.52390, -74.49248 )
- D-R Canal - South Bound Brook ( 40.55880, -74.53118 )
- Dallenbach Pond ( 40.41254, -74.44296 )
- Davidson's Mill Pond - East Brunswick ( 40.41117, -74.49789 )
- Delaware River ( 40.17371, -74.84843 )
- Farrington Lake - East Brunswick (C) ( 40.42465, -74.47680 )
- Farrington Lake - East Brunswick (N) ( 40.43900, -74.46646 )
- Farrington Lake - East Brunswick (S) ( 40.42201, -74.48242 )
- Green Brook - Billian Legion Park ( 40.56222, -74.52483 )
- Helmetta Pond ( 40.37817, -74.42657 )
- Lake Lefferts - Matawan ( 40.41563, -74.23362 )
- Lake Manalapan - Jamesburg ( 40.34525, -74.43662 )
- Lake Topanemus - Freehold ( 40.27635, -74.28554 )
- Lake Weamaconk - Englishtown ( 40.29140, -74.35704 )
- Lawrence Brook - Milltown (E) ( 40.45144, -74.43663 )
- Lawrence Brook - Milltown (W) ( 40.44831, -74.44367 )
- Mill Pond - Princeton Meadows (E) ( 40.32460, -74.56567 )
- Mill Pond - Princeton Meadows (W) ( 40.32735, -74.60233 )
- Millhurst Pond - Freehold ( 40.24590, -74.34066 )
- Millstone River - Amwell Rd ( 40.50294, -74.58755 )
- Millstone River - Blackwells Mills ( 40.47487, -74.57503 )
- Millstone River - Cranbury (E) ( 40.29359, -74.52675 )
- Millstone River - Griggstown ( 40.43893, -74.61757 )
- Millstone River - Kingston ( 40.37419, -74.61962 )
- New Market Pond - Piscataway ( 40.57675, -74.45490 )
- Rahway River - South Branch (W) ( 40.57998, -74.30463 )
- Raritan Bay - Cliffwood (E) ( 40.45089, -74.22033 )
- Raritan Bay - Cliffwood (W) ( 40.45216, -74.22269 )
- Raritan Bay - Cliffwood (Whale Creek) ( 40.45090, -74.22274 )
- Raritan Bay - Keyport (E) ( 40.44095, -74.19534 )
- Raritan Bay - Keyport (W) ( 40.43921, -74.20160 )
- Raritan Bay - Laurence Harbor (E) ( 40.45877, -74.24622 )
- Raritan Bay - Laurence Harbor (W) ( 40.46223, -74.25482 )
- Raritan Bay - South Amboy (N) ( 40.48343, -74.27059 )
- Raritan Bay - South Amboy (S) ( 40.47946, -74.26831 )
- Raritan Bay - South Amboy Ramp ( 40.48401, -74.27416 )
- Raritan Bay - Union Beach (E) ( 40.44787, -74.16598 )
- Raritan Bay - Union Beach (W) ( 40.45479, -74.17517 )
- Raritan River - Bound Brook ( 40.55995, -74.52758 )
- Raritan River - Edison ( 40.48791, -74.38382 )
- Raritan River - Highland Park ( 40.48864, -74.42226 )
- Raritan River - New Brunswick ( 40.48760, -74.43280 )
- Raritan River - Perth Amboy ( 40.50057, -74.27712 )
- Raritan River - Piscataway (N) ( 40.54085, -74.51236 )
- Raritan River - Piscataway (S) ( 40.50935, -74.46641 )
- Raritan River - Sayreville ( 40.47450, -74.35606 )
- South River - Old Bridge ( 40.41228, -74.36362 )
- South River - Sayreville ( 40.45397, -74.37222 )
- South River - South River ( 40.45838, -74.38361 )
- Wagner's Marina - Matawan Creek ( 40.43540, -74.21416 )
- Weston's Mill Pond - East Brunswick ( 40.46677, -74.42603 )
- Woodbridge Creek (N) ( 40.58555, -74.26267 )
- Woodbridge Creek (S) ( 40.56256, -74.26890 )
The thin red line is the "fall line" - the nominal division between uplands and lowlands.
Forbidden Zones
- Duhernal Lake
- Kennedy Park
- Plainsboro Preserve
- The lower reaches of the Raritan River are highly polluted.
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