Deal Lake - Asbury Park

Deal Lake
( 40.23338, -74.01328 )

  1. Deal Lake - Asbury Park (N) ( 40.23759, -74.00784 )
  2. Deal Lake - Asbury Park (S) ( 40.22957, -74.00938 )

This lake has a lot of different branches to explore, and you can actually go quite a long way. The two marked sites are the best accesses for the northern and southern branches of the lake. Unfortunately, located in the middle of Asbury Park, the water is not the cleanest, especially near the railroad and toward the drain at the beach. The 'headwaters' are better.

Deal Lake is the largest lake in the county and one of the largest lakes in New Jersey, occupying 158 acres. Originally an estuary of the Atlantic Ocean, Deal Lake was altered starting in 1890 to its present form, with the closing off the inlet from the ocean and creation of several separate lakes and ponds.

Deal Lake - Asbury Park (N)
( 40.23759, -74.00784 )

Deal Lake - Asbury Park (S)
( 40.22957, -74.00938 )

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When dealing with a non-negligible wind or current situation, you'll probably think it will be fun to go with it and have a good ride. That's fine if you are making a one-way trip, but if you are making a round-trip back to your starting point, this is a very bad idea. The boost can carry you much further than you realize, and then you'll have to fight against it all the way back. Your fun day out can turn into a miserable slog.

It's much better and safer to head into the current on the outbound leg, and let it carry you home on the return.

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