
Real side handles make necessary tie-down points for transport, and are well worth the cost of adding them if your boat doesn't have them. This is a good model that uses two screws at each end to secure it. Even better, if you can reach inside the hull, use bolts and washers instead of screws. Kayak plastic is pretty thick though, and the screws have not been a problem.

Morris County
( 40.876703, -74.524379 )

  1. Budd Lake - Hackettstown ( 40.86292, -74.75154 )
  2. Cranberry Lake - Andover ( 40.95204, -74.73681 )
  3. Echo Lake - Mountainside ( 40.67351, -74.34560 )
  4. Lake Aeroflex - Andover ( 41.01041, -74.73564 )
  5. Lake Hopatcong - Ashley's Cove ( 40.96426, -74.61082 )
  6. Lake Hopatcong - Hopatcong (E) ( 40.92890, -74.63861 )
  7. Lake Hopatcong - Hopatcong (W) ( 40.91763, -74.66346 )
  8. Lake Musconetcong - Netcong ( 40.90099, -74.70354 )
  9. Lake Surprise - Summit ( 40.69370, -74.37097 )
  10. Morris Canal - Waterloo ( 40.91259, -74.76785 )
  11. Mountain Lake - Denville ( 40.88952, -74.44225 )
  12. Musconetcong River - Waterloo ( 40.89663, -74.79111 )
  13. Passaic River - Basking Ridge ( 40.69503, -74.51600 )
  14. Passaic River - Chatham ( 40.73795, -74.37159 )
  15. Passaic River - East Hanover (N) ( 40.82749, -74.33529 )
  16. Passaic River - East Hanover (S) ( 40.82581, -74.33332 )
  17. Passaic River - Fairfield ( 40.89775, -74.27988 )
  18. Passaic River - Warren ( 40.67078, -74.46441 )
  19. Paulins Kill Lake - Newton ( 41.05273, -74.82674 )
  20. Pequest River - Allamuchy ( 40.92160, -74.84089 )
  21. Pequest River - Hackettstown ( 40.86630, -74.90540 )
  22. Pines Lake - Pompton ( 40.98952, -74.26212 )
  23. Pompton Lake - Pompton ( 41.00602, -74.27796 )
  24. Potash Lake - Franklin Lakes ( 41.02250, -74.25936 )
  25. Rahway River - Cranford (N) ( 40.66036, -74.30627 )
  26. Rahway River - Cranford (S) ( 40.65097, -74.30133 )
  27. Rahway River - Cranford (W) ( 40.65900, -74.30997 )
  28. Rahway River - Lenape Park ( 40.67407, -74.31426 )
  29. Rockaway River - Boonton ( 40.91556, -74.42705 )
  30. Rockaway River - Denville ( 40.89916, -74.48675 )
  31. Rockaway River - McCarter Park ( 40.89122, -74.47349 )
  32. Speedwell Lake - Morristown ( 40.81265, -74.48090 )
  33. Split Rock Reservoir - Rockaway ( 40.96274, -74.45808 )
  34. Tilcon Lake - Waterloo ( 40.90717, -74.76840 )
  35. Walkill River - Franklin ( 41.11063, -74.58840 )
  36. Wallkil River - Hamburg ( 41.15266, -74.58161 )
  37. Whippany River - Whippany ( 40.81921, -74.44021 )

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