Minnows & Carp

Golden Shiner

There are many different types of minnows in North America, but the one you are most likely to encounter kayaking is the Golden Shiner, and there is a good reason for this: If you are out after dark and you have a light, they will jump at it and can end up in the boat.

This is the largest minnow in the region, growing up to a foot long, although most are much smaller. Small ones do well in an unheated aquarium, provided you can get them to take fish food.

-- Wikipedia

Goldfish & Koi (Carp)

Goldfish and Koi can be found almost anywhere, and are relatively easy to spot, even from a boat, thanks to their bright colors. These are typically released pets, and can get quite big if they can avoid herons and other predators long enough to get too big to eat.

-- Wikipedia

Sedges and Reeds are superficially similar, but actually quite different. But unless you are a biologist - who cares? ( Reeds are grasses, sedges are sedges. )


Sedges tolerate a wide range of salinity, from freshwater to seawater, although they seem to grow best in brackish water. So, like above, if you are exploring a bay or inlet, that stuff all around you is most likely sedge.

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