Sedges & Reeds

Sedges and Reeds are superficially similar, but actually quite different. But unless you are a biologist – who cares? ( Reeds are grasses, sedges are sedges. )


Sedges tolerate a wide range of salinity, from freshwater to seawater, although they seem to grow best in brackish water. So, like above, if you are exploring a bay or inlet, that stuff all around you is most likely sedge.

Channels like the one above are not natural, they are cut primarily for mosquito control. Mosquito larvae need still water, and the tidal flow helps flush them out, while also allowing access for fish to feed on them. That’s the idea, but it is not 100% effective, so bring your bug spray.



One well-known reed is the Cattail. This member of the grass family tolerates brackish water, but is found most often in fresh.

Cattail bloom


When dealing with a non-negligible wind or current situation, you’ll probably think it will be fun to go with it and have a good ride. That’s fine if you are making a one-way trip, but if you are making a round-trip back to your starting point, this is a very bad idea. The boost can carry you much further than you realize, and then you’ll have to fight against it all the way back. Your fun day out can turn into a miserable slog.

It’s much better and safer to head into the current on the outbound leg, and let it carry you home on the return.

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