Shark River (Neptune/Belmar)

Shark River is not really a river, it is more of a saltwater lagoon with an outlet to the sea. The actual inlet would be a very bad place to go, with a lot of boat traffic and sometimes swift tidal current. The lagoon is much better, and I have marked two spots that are easy access and parking - both in public parks. Don't try to use the boat ramp, you might get in trouble.

The spot in the north is an easy launch off the beach. The spot in the south has a number of options, from the nearby beach to the stairs down the bulkhead. There are doubtless other spots where you could put in, but these two are the best. Once in, stay away from the marked boat channels. The rest of the 'bay' is too shallow for motorboats, and you'll have it to yourself, especially at low tide.

One reason to come here is fishing - the river and lagoon can be full of fluke, blues, stripers, and other fish. With a boat, you have access to everything that is beyond the reach of shore-bound fishermen.

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When dealing with a non-negligible wind or current situation, you'll probably think it will be fun to go with it and have a good ride. That's fine if you are making a one-way trip, but if you are making a round-trip back to your starting point, this is a very bad idea. The boost can carry you much further than you realize, and then you'll have to fight against it all the way back. Your fun day out can turn into a miserable slog.

It's much better and safer to head into the current on the outbound leg, and let it carry you home on the return.

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