
Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Water Lily

Here are just a few aquatic plants:


Water Lilies are found in all still and slow-flowing freshwaters. One thing that I have noticed about them is that on any lake or pond, you will always find white ones, and usually also pink or yellow ones, but never both. The flowers begin in summer and last well into fall.

Sedges and Reeds are superficially similar, but actually quite different. But unless you are a biologist - who cares? ( Reeds are grasses, sedges are sedges. )


Sedges tolerate a wide range of salinity, from freshwater to seawater, although they seem to grow best in brackish water. So, like above, if you are exploring a bay or inlet, that stuff all around you is most likely sedge.



Unlike marine algae, freshwater algae is usually little more than green slime. Much of it is actually microscopic single-celled organisms that form the base of the food chain. That is why the water is green ( when it is green. ) *

Round Valley Reservoir
( 40.61744, -74.82632 )

  1. Raritan River - Clinton (N) ( 40.63854, -74.91169 )
  2. Raritan River - Clinton (S) ( 40.62806, -74.91200 )
  3. Raritan River - Flemington (C) ( 40.52105, -74.82666 )
  4. Raritan River - Flemington (N) ( 40.53810, -74.83934 )
  5. Raritan River - Hamden ( 40.59699, -74.89827 )
  6. Raritan River - High Bridge (N) ( 40.66394, -74.89742 )
  7. Raritan River - High Bridge (S) ( 40.66094, -74.90237 )
  8. Raritan River - Lockwood Gorge (N) ( 40.69682, -74.87171 )
  9. Raritan River - Lockwood Gorge (S) ( 40.68816, -74.88014 )
  10. Raritan River - Rte 31 ( 40.56315, -74.85544 )
  11. Raritan River - Stanton ( 40.57219, -74.86834 )
  12. Raritan River - Sunnyside ( 40.57942, -74.88795 )
  13. Round Valley Reservoir - Clinton (N) ( 40.63204, -74.84726 )
  14. Round Valley Reservoir - Clinton (S) ( 40.61800, -74.84664 )
  15. Spruce Run Reservoir - Clinton (C) ( 40.66109, -74.92356 )
  16. Spruce Run Reservoir - Clinton (E) ( 40.64468, -74.92302 )
  17. Spruce Run Reservoir - Clinton (N) ( 40.67351, -74.91731 )
  18. Spruce Run Reservoir - Clinton (S) ( 40.65841, -74.93343 )
  19. Yellow Dog Paddle ( 40.63883, -74.91179 )

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