
If you go online, you can find a good deal of kayak snobbery. If you are going fishing in the ocean, or white-water, then yes, you could justify a better boat. But if you are just going on calm inland water, you really can't beat Lifetime boats for price, handling, and features. And they are indestructible. Lifetime also makes Emotion kayaks.

One more note: if you are going inland, then yellow is a great color for a kayak - it makes you easy to see and hopefully harder to run over by drunken motorboats. But if you are going in the ocean, yellow has a major drawback: Sharks are fascinated by yellow. In World War II, the Navy found out that yellow life jackets were a very bad idea. Online, you can find multiple videos of sharks harassing kayaks, and in every case it is a yellow hull. I even have personal experience: Once on a dive I got into a school of spiny dogfish, and they took turns trying to steal any yellow gear I had. Fortunately, dogfish are small and harmless, and the whole thing was kind of comical.

Kayaks are pretty seaworthy, sit-on-tops are just about unsinkable. That said, dealing with anything more than a 1-foot chop in a flat-bottomed lake boat is really no fun. If you find yourself caught out in rough water, try to keep the bow or stern pointed into the waves, or within 30 degrees of perpendicular, even if you have to take a roundabout course. Do not run parallel to the waves.

Boat wakes are also a threat. Most boats give no thought to anyone else, at least not anyone smaller than them, and will plow by without even looking at you. Always watch out for boat wakes, and turn into them like waves. When dealing with motorboats and jet-skis, I just assume they are drunk and not paying attention to anything. It hasn't failed me yet.

Crossing a boat channel is like crossing the highway: look both ways, wait for a good time, and do it as fast as you can. You do not have right-of-way. Unlike automobiles, boats don't have brakes, and if you do something stupid, it will run right over you.

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