Wildlife (1/4)

Kayaking is an outdoor activity. Yes, kids, you'll have to put down your game controllers and go outside. Out there is what us older folks call nature. Nature can actually be quite beautiful and interesting, and you don't have to worry about your screen resolution and refresh rate - both are infinity. So here is a short list of flora and fauna ( plants and animals ) that you might see in freshwater environments:

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Unlike marine algae, freshwater algae is usually little more than green slime. Much of it is actually microscopic single-celled organisms that form the base of the food chain. That is why the water is green ( when it is green. ) *

An Aquarium For the Naturalist

By Ronald M. Clayton
Illustrations by author

Maintaining an aquarium filled with local fish and other aquatics can be an enjoyable, learning experience, and give you a good excuse to get out and stomp around in your local pond or stream. It’s fun collecting new animals and plants to add to the aquarium, to replace ones that have died, or as food for your locally acquired fish, and learning about your wildlife is a fascinating part of the experience. In the shimmering shallows and mysterious depths of almost any nearby body of water thrives a whole world of living things, some very ugly and some very beautiful – the variety will amaze you. If you are interested in providing inexpensive recreation and education for yourself and perhaps your family, read on.

Freshwater Basses

Largemouth Bass

Note how the mouth of the Largemouth extends under the eye, while that of the Smallmouth stops short of it. A lot of fishermen seem to think everything they catch is a Largemouth.

Male, females are gray

This is one of my favorite birds to see when I am out paddling. You're not going to get very close though, a good reason to bring along the binoculars. The Kingfisher is a songbird that thinks it's a hawk. They are actually related to Hummingbirds. You might think that makes them not very aquatic, but I have seen them dive into the water, surface, and take off again, so I guess they put some effort into evolving. ( The Cormorant might want to take notes. ) Kingfishers usually sit in branches near the shoreline, and fly very low and fast over the water.

These are some birds you are likely to see around the water.

Greenhead Fly

This is a listing of some of the tiny critters that you might find. I'm not including all the invisible biting nasties that you find around the water. That's what bug spray is for. Above is the horrible Greenhead fly - the bane of New Jersey summers. When one of these bites you, you know it.

Bullhead Catfish

Brown Bullhead

Bullheads are a family of small catfishes, seldom over a foot long.

drying its feathers

This is a bird that you are almost guaranteed to see on any kayaking excursion. This is because they are very common, and not very waterproof. After diving underwater, they need to dry their sodden feathers in the sun, as the one above is doing. You can often get pretty close to them at these times.


Eastern Pondhawk - female ( males are blue )

Dragonflies are aerial predators with a strong liking for water, so you are very likely to get 'buzzed' while out kayaking. They are harmless to humans. Dragonfly larvae are fully aquatic little nightmares. There are many kinds of dragonflies in the region, too many to list.

Mallard Duck

Female above, male below

There are many kinds of wild ducks, and even more types of domesticated ducks, but the Mallard is a good representative of all. Ducks are harmless. Bring some bread along, I never met a duck that didn't expect to be fed.


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Ocean County
( 39.82966, -74.22671 )

  1. Bamber Lake - Lacey ( 39.89577, -74.31959 )
  2. Barnegat Bay - Barnegat ( 39.75401, -74.20171 )
  3. Barnegat Bay - Barnegat Light (N) ( 39.75763, -74.11138 )
  4. Barnegat Bay - Barnegat Light (S) ( 39.74500, -74.11764 )
  5. Barnegat Bay - Bay Harbor Park ( 40.01977, -74.12731 )
  6. Barnegat Bay - Brant Beach ( 39.61673, -74.20110 )
  7. Barnegat Bay - Bridge to Nowhere ( 39.68394, -74.20766 )
  8. Barnegat Bay - Harvey Cedars ( 39.70465, -74.13703 )
  9. Barnegat Bay - Island Beach SP ( 39.85222, -74.08899 )
  10. Barnegat Bay - Lavallette ( 39.96933, -74.07421 )
  11. Barnegat Bay - Mantoloking Bridge ( 40.04124, -74.05880 )
  12. Barnegat Bay - Oyster Creek ( 39.80873, -74.18455 )
  13. Barnegat Bay - Parkertown ( 39.60978, -74.29231 )
  14. Barnegat Bay - Seaside Heights ( 39.94524, -74.07956 )
  15. Barnegat Bay - Sedge Island ( 39.80786, -74.09599 )
  16. Barnegat Bay - Ship Bottom ( 39.65232, -74.18484 )
  17. Barnegat Bay - Tilton Point ( 39.96900, -74.11284 )
  18. Barnegat Bay - Tuckerton ( 39.57671, -74.33078 )
  19. Barnegat Bay - West Creek ( 39.63100, -74.29618 )
  20. Barnegat Bay - Woodville ( 39.98917, -74.13476 )
  21. Bass River - New Gretna ( 39.57721, -74.45079 )
  22. Batsto River - Wharton State Forest ( 39.71014, -74.66747 )
  23. Bay Parkway - Lacey ( 39.80572, -74.17212 )
  24. Bunker Hill Bogs - Jackson ( 40.08255, -74.29256 )
  25. Cedar Creek - Berkeley ( 39.90248, -74.24513 )
  26. Cedar Creek - Double Trouble ( 39.89402, -74.22495 )
  27. Cedar Creek - Lanoka Harbor ( 39.86936, -74.17065 )
  28. Cedar Run - Stafford ( 39.64365, -74.24592 )
  29. Collier's Lake - New Egypt ( 40.06799, -74.44856 )
  30. Country Lake - Pemberton ( 39.94530, -74.54257 )
  31. Crosswick's Creek - New Egypt (N) ( 40.08505, -74.54006 )
  32. Crosswick's Creek - New Egypt (S) ( 40.06679, -74.53226 )
  33. Deer Head Lake ( 39.85043, -74.21101 )
  34. Forge Pond - Brick ( 40.06646, -74.13446 )
  35. Great Bay - Graveling Point ( 39.53959, -74.38821 )
  36. Great Bay - Great Bay Blvd (N) ( 39.56316, -74.34202 )
  37. Great Bay - Great Bay Blvd (S) ( 39.52160, -74.31849 )
  38. Great Bay - Motts Creek ( 39.51826, -74.43637 )
  39. Great Bay - Rand's Marina ( 39.53934, -74.32614 )
  40. Harrisville Pond ( 39.66539, -74.52424 )
  41. Harry Wright Lake ( 39.93076, -74.35880 )
  42. Holiday Lake - Barnegat ( 39.73882, -74.26470 )
  43. Horicon Lake - Lakehurst ( 40.00720, -74.32177 )
  44. Island Beach SP Marina ( 39.90606, -74.08713 )
  45. Lake Absegami - Bass River ( 39.62529, -74.42760 )
  46. Lake Barnegat ( 39.84169, -74.20078 )
  47. Lake Carasaljo - Lakewood ( 40.09304, -74.22817 )
  48. Lake Riviera - Brick ( 40.04590, -74.14573 )
  49. Lake Shenandoah - Lakewood ( 40.08845, -74.19941 )
  50. Lake Success - Jackson ( 40.05785, -74.39243 )
  51. Lebanon Lake - Pemberton ( 39.90686, -74.56550 )
  52. Little Pine Lake - Pemberton ( 39.98857, -74.57096 )
  53. Manahawkin Lake - Stafford ( 39.69641, -74.26116 )
  54. Manasquan Reservoir - Howell ( 40.17217, -74.20300 )
  55. Manasquan River - Allaire ( 40.14376, -74.11673 )
  56. Manasquan River - Beverly Beach ( 40.10498, -74.09649 )
  57. Manasquan River - Brice Park ( 40.13764, -74.11038 )
  58. Manasquan River - Dog Beach ( 40.10623, -74.03785 )
  59. Manasquan River - Glimmer Glass ( 40.11653, -74.04946 )
  60. Manasquan River - Howell ( 40.17519, -74.16981 )
  61. Manasquan River - Ramshorn Drive ( 40.11961, -74.09418 )
  62. Manasquan River - Riverfront Park ( 40.08835, -74.07142 )
  63. Manasquan River - RR Bridge ( 40.10052, -74.04905 )
  64. Manasquan River - WMA ( 40.13689, -74.10431 )
  65. Metedeconk River - Bay Ave ( 40.06602, -74.05130 )
  66. Metedeconk River - Bay Blvd ( 40.06288, -74.05502 )
  67. Metedeconk River - Bennett's Pond ( 40.13058, -74.28406 )
  68. Metedeconk River - Brick ( 40.05687, -74.11203 )
  69. Metedeconk River - Dock Rd ( 40.05055, -74.11413 )
  70. Metedeconk River - Sandy Point ( 40.05129, -74.07785 )
  71. Mirror Lake - Pemberton (N) ( 39.97209, -74.56941 )
  72. Mirror Lake - Pemberton (S) ( 39.96729, -74.57847 )
  73. Mullica River - Hay Road Beach ( 39.57349, -74.53943 )
  74. Oswego Lake - Penn State Forest ( 39.73454, -74.49111 )
  75. Oswego River - Martha Bridge ( 39.68159, -74.51416 )
  76. Oyster Creek ( 39.80866, -74.18460 )
  77. Pine Lake ( 40.00910, -74.24948 )
  78. Presidential Lakes - Pemberton ( 39.91110, -74.57680 )
  79. Prospertown Lake - Jackson ( 40.13497, -74.45779 )
  80. Rancocas Creek - New Lisbon ( 39.96205, -74.64102 )
  81. Rancocas Creek - Pemberton (E) ( 39.96746, -74.58789 )
  82. Rancocas Creek - Pemberton Heights ( 39.96244, -74.65567 )
  83. Stafford Forge WMA - Manahawkin ( 39.66881, -74.32090 )
  84. Stockton Lake - Manasquan ( 40.11739, -74.03460 )
  85. Sunken Branch - Toms River ( 39.96792, -74.24211 )
  86. Toms River - Beachwood ( 39.94250, -74.18446 )
  87. Toms River - Cranmoor Manor ( 39.94859, -74.16332 )
  88. Toms River - Gilford Park ( 39.94262, -74.13393 )
  89. Toms River - Huddy Park ( 39.95082, -74.19782 )
  90. Toms River - Oceangate Beach ( 39.92840, -74.13547 )
  91. Toms River - Pine Beach ( 39.93789, -74.15776 )
  92. Toms River - Pine Lake Park ( 40.00353, -74.24106 )
  93. Toms River - Pocket Park ( 39.94102, -74.17354 )
  94. Toms River - Rt 527 ( 39.98639, -74.22380 )
  95. Toms River - Water St ( 39.95171, -74.19990 )
  96. Toms River - Winding River Park (N) ( 39.98350, -74.22255 )
  97. Toms River - Winding River Park (S) ( 39.96802, -74.21393 )
  98. Toms River - Windsor Park ( 39.94676, -74.15658 )
  99. Turn Mill Pond - New Egypt ( 40.06371, -74.44772 )
  100. Twilight Lake - Bay Head ( 40.07474, -74.04404 )
  101. Wading River - Beaver Branch ( 39.65059, -74.51890 )
  102. Wading River - Bodine Field Road ( 39.65401, -74.52497 )
  103. Wading River - Evans Bridge ( 39.67517, -74.54066 )
  104. Wading River - Godfrey Bridge ( 39.68987, -74.54612 )
  105. Wading River - Harrisville Pond ( 39.66547, -74.52434 )
  106. Wading River - Hawkins Bridge ( 39.71442, -74.56595 )
  107. Wells Mills Pond ( 39.79387, -74.27701 )
  108. Whitesbog - Pemberton ( 39.96504, -74.48711 )
  109. Wreck Pond - Sea Girt ( 40.13880, -74.02726 )
  110. Wreck Pond - Spring Lake ( 40.14107, -74.04003 )

Printed from njkayak.net